Prayer Requests
We believe that prayer is a means of grace from God, designed to help believers grow in our faith and dependence on Him.
Prayer lets us further communicate with our Savior.
Please join us in prayer.
Pam Koch cancer and eye troubles
Minsol’s health and recovery, as well as the Yang family
Gina Fernandez cancer
Rebecca Gamez health
Besis's Mother
Gloria's Mother
Gamez Children
Unity within GLG Presbytery and RPCNA
Westminster’s outreach opportunities, our ministry to our neighbors, and for deeper growth and increased attendance
The Jim Elliot Fellowship as participants reach out to the public via street preaching
Family members who need regeneration, and our witness to them
Our missionaries of the RP Global and Home Missions
Church growth and an increase in local churches’ presence in their communities
Our magistrates - local, state, and federal